How do you find people you don't know exist?

As we seek nominations for the board - we have a very common problem. Most of the nominations are coming from "the usual suspects".  This makes sense - the people who are most involved all know each other and know who's who.  But that leads to a lack of diversity - both in gender, race, lifestyle, and philosophy.

So.... how do correct for that?  WE can't.  WE need YOU.  Spread this message far in the community.  Think about those people you know.  Do they hold these values dear?  Are they smart, reliable, and trustworthy?  Can they represent the community and set their ego aside?  Can they work with a very diverse group and not loose their cool?

Then nominate them!

Or nominate yourself!  If you nominate yourself - list someone who can vouch for you.


A new beginning!