Announcing new Board Members for 2023!
Exciting updates! Precipitation Northwest is thrilled to announce that three new board members are joining us in 2023. Welcome to Liz Pittinos, Abigail Alder, and Suzanne Mehta, who each have great experience building community in Burning Man culture for Oregon, along the West Coast, and over many years in Black Rock City. We encourage you to read more about our board members! You can find their photos, bios, and committee involvement on our Board of Directors page.
This is also a time to announce board member transitions, as Danielle Parks, Molly Harpel, and Alexander LaVake have contributed over several years in making SOAK & Burnout great regional events while also finding ways to bring the Ten Principles to our broader community. Precipitation Northwest enthusiastically says thank you to all three departing board members for their years of service and wish them the best in all of their future endeavors!
Every fall, the Precipitation Northwest board interviews interested applicants for open board member positions. Board member terms are typically three years.
SOAK 2022 | photo: tightpants